Our Christmas Break was filled with people, places and things! Our family stayed here in Indiana for Christmas and my sister, Ashley and her family came along with our brother Ben and his wife, Karin. All of us fell head over heels in love with Ashley and Jon's baby, April. What a doll baby!
Mom and Dad took us Duck Pin Bowling and the kids were thrilled! I, Kristi, had a strong beginning but faded out in the end to lose to Ashley AND Ben. Geez.
Connor spent a lot of time outside despite the cold plaing with the new remote controlled crane, dump truck and bulldozer he received from Nana and Grandpa for Christmas!
We woke up one morning to freshly fallen snow, perfect for making a snow man. Here's out Colts snowman in preparation for the SuperBowl. {Disclaimer: We understand the Colts are not playing IN the SuperBowl, but that the SuperBowl is only being played HERE in Indianapolis. We're still feeling Colts/football fever here.}
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