
"You're Keeping Your Age Well"

This just cracks me up even more after Byron's experience. Connor and I were exploring the surrounding neighborhoods a few days ago and met several very nice people. One of these was a 60 year old man named Buzz. He was so kind to invite Connor to play in his mulch/mud pile and throw all his rocks in his garden. While Connor got dirty Buzz and I had a nice chat. One of Buzz's first questions was, "So, do you watch this little boy?" To which I responded, "Yes, I'm his Mother." Buzz tried to smooth his face from the shock/confusion that first flitted past it when I quickly said, "I know, I look much younger than I am." He asked how old I was and I repsonded, "27." He nodded his head in the affirmative that I did indeed look like a teenager, but he was kind and said, "Well, you're sure holding your age well." I don't know if that's a compliment a 27 year old mother wants to hear or not, but I'll take it. So to you Buzz, and the couple at AAA who exclaimed they didn't know teenagers could get married (it was a summer job the summer Byron and I got married. I was 23.) I say thanks, and I hope to "hold my age well" for a long, long time.


Geoff and Janene said...

Babies having babies I tell ya. That is so funny! I'd take it as a compliment. I hope to never hear, you look five years older than you are! :)

Ashley said...

Wow! What a young family you are!

Jill said...

Yeah, shouldn't you finish high school before you go off and have babies?

It's Been a Day! said...

well, what's your secret for keeping your age so well? I haven't had someone say i looked young since i was like 12! I just have an older face i guess!

Greg and Tammy said...

"You hold your age well" is old man language for "you are one HOT MAMA" and I would have to agree!!