
When at First You Don't Succeed, Try, Try Again

I am thrilled that we have had two very successful Family Home Evenings over the past 3 weeks. The first was on Noah and we used a toy Noah's Ark and children's book with the story to talk about it. The next week we talked about reverence using a book we have titled I'm Reverent When and Connor now folds him arms when we ask him to be "reverent". Yes! Success! Each successful FHE has finished with a treat which is happy for all three of us! This past Monday night was a complete bust however. Connor was not in the mood and demonstrated this to us by sliding himself from Byron's arms, from the couch and rolling around the floor saying "Nooooooooooo" as we were singing our opening song, "Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam". Apparently, Connor wasn't feeling it. So...we ended with a treat. We need to give our child consistency right?:) We'll try, try again next week!


Ashley said...

Too, too funny!

Jami & Boys said...

Hey, treats never hurt anyone -- at least when they follow FHE! We are big believers in a special Monday treat as well!

John and Laura said...

He is a handsome kid!! It makes me want a boy! Good for you for trying with FHE! He's so lucky to have such good parents!

melissa said...

Very impressive. Our FHE's last about 10 minutes on a good night. Keep it up!

It's Been a Day! said...

I'm just impressed you are even attempting to do it each week! way to go!