
may 9, 2009

On May 9, 2009 Byron and I celebrated our 6 year anniversary.

On May 9, 2009, Byron received his Masters of Science in Speech Pathology.

Over the past 2 years Byron completed over 60 hours of course work and 500 plus hours of clinical experience at schools and hospitals. He also completed Stats 221 through BYU's Independent Study program and worked on (and continues to collaborate with) a seasoned Speech Pathologist at UNC Hospital on a video to help Head and Neck Cancer Patients.

He not only excelled in his program, but shined.

While a student, Byron received the Dr. Sylvia Campbell Speech and Hearing Sciences Scholarship. He gave this program and this experience his all and it paid off.

We are so proud of him and lucky to call him our husband and "Daddy".

We were also so happy that so many of Byron's made the effort to come be with us. Byron's Mom and Dad, Grandmother "Maw Maw", newly returned missionary, Logan, and new BYU sophomore, Codi.Dr. Melody Harrison was one professor in particular that really supported and believed in Byron. If she has it her way, we'll be back in a few years to get our PhD. Why would you wish such a thing upon us Dr. Harrison? :)

We discovered very quickly once we moved to Chapel Hill, how wonderful Byron's classmates were. They were good friends and supports to Byron and our family. It'll be fun for us to stay in touch and see the wonderful things everyone does throughout their lives.

All, in all, it was a great, great, wonderful ,wonderful day. It was the culmination of a lot of planning, praying and effort and we're just so proud of Byron!


Ashley said...

Yeah, yeah, yeah for Byron! His robe is so cool too! I especially love the two pictures where Kylene is looking at Byron and has her hand on his chest. Darling. Congrats Byron!

Handi Andi said...

Yeah for Byron! Now what are you guys up to? Are you staying in North Carolina?

Katie Rod said...

hooray! Congrats to you all!

Randy said...


Sandra and I are so proud of you. You are a wonderful man, husband, father and son-in-law. Sandra and I count ourselves incredibly lucky to have you as part of the "core". The only thing you have left to do is find a job in Indiana !!!!!

Jules said...

way to go Byron!

JDS said...

Congratulations Byron and Kristi!

Geoff and Janene said...

Congratulations Kubik family! Because it is a family effort. We are so happy for you! I'm so glad that the program was something Byron loved and of course excelled in. We are talking about Byron here. :) What's next on the horizon?

Rachael said...

Congratulations Byron! You guys have worked hard for this and I am so happy for BOTH you!

2 + 2+1 = 5 said...


What a wonderful post and beautiful victory!

Congrats! I am so happy to see you excel.

Hugs...Emma B

Anonymous said...

Such a milestone! I remember the intense feeling of "we're not in school!"
And then the adjustment to the next chapter.
Congrats to y'all!
You look great, have beautiful children, life is good, ya?
We miss and love you!