Connor has been a thumb sucker since he was 6 weeks old and a blankie baby since he was 3 mths. He LOVES his blankies, the super soft ones. He has acquired 5 so far. Until recently, it's been really useful to have 5 super soft blankies because I could change them out for each other to be washed. I've also become a germ freak since becoming a mother, so after a blankie makes a trip to church, or the store, etc. I can throw that one in the hamper and get another one out. A perfect system I thought. My illusions have become dashed as Connor now wants as many blankies as he can find all in the same place, all at the same time. There's been a few times, when I've said it's time to go, and he's gathered up 3-4 blankies and headed for the door. I've had to gently coax him to give them all up except one with the assurance he'll be able to snuggle with them all again when we get back home. He has recently give a name to his blankies too..."B". It's kind of a drawn out "B" too--so cute. One of my favorite things is to see Connor get his blankie and stick his thumb in his mouth. He just looks to darn cute and content. He nabbed all his blankies last night as I was trying to fold the laundry. He completely enjoyed watching some cartoons with wrapped up in his best friends...blankie.
What an adorable picture! I love Conner!! What a cutie!
tyson has a "b" too and the funny thing is that when he first started calling it something he would call it his "b" too! he still does. I always thought it was so funny and a little more masculine than "blankie"!!
So cute! Gwen has her blanky and baby! Don't think we'll ever get her to sleep w/out them! Or to go anywhere w/out them! Ugh! I hear ya about the washing thing!
What a sweet picture of Connor with his blankies. Connor looks just like you at that age. No kidding.
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