
together at last

ever since Kylene was born, Connor's been DYING to take a bath with her. why? not quite sure, but a few nights ago he got his chance. she had already been in there a while having a great time by herself and Connor came into the bathroom, stripped down, and jumped in. the novelty soon wore off (for Kylene that is). Byron took a ton of pics, which non of them really turned out, but this one shows that aftermath of Connor bothering Kylene for the last time, him having his head down after a reprimand from his parents, and Kylene begging to be taken out. good times. i think we'll have another crack at it tonight.:)


Jules said...

yes, that looks familiar. why does the big brother always want to take a bath with little sis, but then is naughty? happens almost nightly at our house. :)

Ashley said...

Too too funny!

JDS said...

Check out those farmer tans!

Sandra said...

I think it's funny that Connor took the initiative to get in the tub with Kylene. If only Kylene realized the day will come when she will yearn for Connor's attention.....Anyway, cute incident.

Randy said...

Fun, fun, fun! Your children are adorable. I lovew the look on Kylene's face and I can just imagine what Connor's looks like. I wish I were there :-)

Prouses said...

Joint baths were always the highlight of my kids' nightly routine... they're just getting a little too old for that now :(
Once they're used to each other in the tub they will learn to get into trouble together (water everywhere!)